(Re-advertise) Announcement for Lao Local Consultant to support the Conduct of a “Market Demand study of Small-holder Households in the Lao/030 Covered Villages”
As stated in the LuxDev Lao/030- Local Development Programme for Bokeo, Bolikhamxay, Khammouane and Vientiane Provinces, guidelines for Village Development Funds, Part 3: Village Credit Schemes of the Manual to set up and operate the Village Credit Scheme– Village Credit Scheme is a village-owned micro-finance system that provides affordable access to credit for economic activities without the need for collateral. In the future, it is planned that the VCS should be able to provide additional financial services that the community demands.
ADA in partnership and support of the Lao Microfinance Association (LMFA), was commissioned by LuxDev to launch the first phase of the creation of the VCSs during the 2nd semester of 2019, which consisted of checking the conditions and the readiness of the villages and establishing with them the first governance principles. Following the achievement of this phase, LuxDev has asked ADA to pursue the process of implementation of the new VCS and to establish the necessary organizational and technical conditions to ensure the good functioning of the VCS (new and existing) and their long-term sustainability.
One of the expected results is designed into the first two year- phase is that; ‘The VCSs provide adequate and sufficient loans and financial services to their members.’ The project will ensure financial services provided by all VCSs are developed according to the demand and respond to the needs of village members. Village members will have access to responsible financial services. Thus, there is a need to develop and pilot test new financial services. Initially, this will be pilot tested in Bolikhamxay province where the NSO Bolikhan operates.
The overall objective of this demand study is to build the evidence base so that any project initiative toward expanding the financial product offerings of the VCS and its NSO is not only founded on certain assumptions and/or isolated anecdotal observations but is also supported with known, reliable representative data about the characteristics and needs of small-holder households in the villages covered by the VCSs under the Lao/030 project.
The demand study will be cover the province of Bolikhamxay specifically in the 3 districts covered by the project—Bolikhan, Viengthong, and Khamkeut. Various methods will be used to gather primary data such as household surveys, FGDs, and key informant interviews. The sampling size will be determined later based on the appropriate sampling technique.
LLMFA will be responsible to implement demand study with LuxDev Lao/030 and ADA providing technical support. Thus, we would like to invite eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing technical and administrative services to support the conduct of the study. The call for expression of interest for this study is open to Lao nationals only. We like to encourage interested parties to submit their EOI early on as the selection will be done as soon as suitable candidates have been identified. A full version of the TOR may be requested from LLMFA.
Qualifications required
The demand study will need the support of a local consultant with the following qualification:
- Minimum of 5 years of relevant professional experience in doing research and market studies/mapping including data collection and analysis the ability to draw strong and valid conclusions.
- Strong background and experience in the micro and rural finance sector
- Technical expertise in rural and microfinance operations and capacity building/training.
- Strong knowledge of the microfinance sector regulatory environment in Lao PDR.
- Highly respected and recognized in the rural and microfinance sector by other stakeholders.
- A good oral and written command of English and a good command of Lao.
The Timeframe of the mission
The consultant/ team should start work as soon as possible and provide the final report to LMFA by the latest on 20 January 2020. The study is planned to be implemented from December 2020 to January 2021.
Interested applicants should submit an updated CVs highlighting the relevant experience to the requirement of the study to Lao Microfinance Association (LMFA), Unit 14, Amone Village, Saysetha District, P.O.Box: 4030, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR
Email: mfa@laomfa.local , Web: www.laomfa.local Office Tel: +856 21 226019/+856 30 9481265
Only shortlisted will be notified.The application closing date is 25th December 2020, 5PM