Commissioned and funded by the German Technical Cooperation (GIZ), this dictionary was inspired by a prior publication entitled “Microfinance Terminology in Lao” published by NERI (National Economic Research Institute) and Concern Worldwide in 2005. In late 2009 GIZ began the process of reviewing, updating and expanding this original version with the result of creating a new and significantly increased document to about twice its original size. This intermediate dictionary was then peer-reviewed and approved by a specifically appointed dictionary committee which comprised members of the National University of Laos, the Bank of Laos, the Microfinance Working Group, and a private Microfinance Institution in Vientiane. This dictionary is a useful reference guide for microfinance practitioners and microfinance stakeholders in Lao PDR.
The Village Banking in Lao PDR materials are practical tools for strengthening village banks as a means of giving poor women and men in rural and often remote areas access to much needed financial services, social empowerment and a higher quality of life. The materials are based on the village banking methodology the ILO has implemented in Lao PDR in close collaboration with the Lao Community Sustainable Development Promotion Association. The materials consist of a Handbook for Village Bank Management Committees and Support Organizations and a Ledger Guide.
This appraisal format has been developed by the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) as a guide to evaluating network support organizations (NSOs) in microfinance. It is designed for both comprehensive appraisals as well as “mini” evaluations that use a particular section of the format to analyze a specific aspect of an NSO. For a full appraisal, this format will help an analyst assess (1) how well an NSO’s mission fits a funder’s strategic priorities, (2) the degree to which an NSO is an efficient and well-run organization, (3) the quality of NSO services and their relevance to partners, and (4) an NSO’s contribution to the broader microfinance industry. The NSO appraisal guide was released in October 2004 as a draft, and reviewer comments were considered in the development of this final version.