The MFA – the National Microfinance Network
The predecessor of the Microfinance Association (MFA), the Microfinance Working Group for the Lao PDR (MFWG), was founded in May 2007 by a group of microfinance practitioners as an informal platform to exchange experience, represent microfinance sector interests and coordinate donor activities. In October 2013, the MFWG obtained its temporary license as a non-profit association (NPA) from the Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA). The MFA is the national microfinance industry’s umbrella organization. It gathers microfinance practitioners and other relevant stakeholders that share the ultimate goal of the association which is to improve access to appropriate and affordable financial services for poor and unbanked people. The MFA pursues this goal by enhancing sector coordination, transparency, sustainability, and quality of microfinance services. It also strives to contribute to a conducive legal and regulatory environment.