MFA Board of Directors

Somphone Sisenglath

Chanpheng Lilavong
Vice Chairman

Santy Ousitthideth
Vice chair

Alounnothay Soulimeuangchan

Souphon Lasphon
Advisory Board



Internal Audit Committee

Sengmany Manyvong

Inpan Phimmathong
Vice Chairman

Southanin Sengaly
MFA Executive Office

Phayvanh Saleumsouk
Acting Director

Savana Phothilath
Deputy Director

Sengmany Thipphavong

Bounthanom Silakoun

House keeper
Project/Technical Advisor

Sisavanh SayOudom
Technical Advisor

Souphansa Savanvilay
Technical Advisor
Rights and Duties of the Board of Director
- Formulate rules and regulations based on the Association’s by-laws and state laws to ensure that the Association’s members obey the issued rules and regulations;
- Select, appoint and dismiss the Director / Head of the secretariat and approve the head of unit and staffs of the Association;
- Approve the strategic plan, action plan, programs and projects of the Association;
- Appoint advisors or sub-committees, but the appointed advisors or sub-committees will be in the positions only within the term of the Board of Directors that appointed them;
- Convene the general assembly, extra-ordinary meeting, annual meeting and Board of Directors’ meeting;
- Give strategic directions and manage the Association’s operations to ensure that the set objectives are being achieved;
- Be responsible for the overall business of the Association including financial issues and all the assets of the Association;
- Approve and certify the documents regarding financial records, assets and operations of the Association in accordance with the technical principles and be accountable to the members through conducting audits by the audit committee if necessary;
- Sign the relevant documents and meeting minutes of the Association, keep them as evidence and share them with members and relevant government agencies;
- Other rights and duties according to the by-laws of the Association;
Director or Head of the Association Office
- Manage the day-to-day business operations of the Association;
- Provide opinions/comments and recommendations to the chairperson, vice-chairperson and Board of Directors on any issues;
- Prepare the monthly reports, quarterly reports, 6 months reports and annual reports and submit the reports to the Board of Directors of the Association or to the relevant government authorities;
- Create a conducive environment, facilitate the operations of the Association and support the work of the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee;
- Liaise with other associations and other relevant organizations including government agencies and international organizations according to the authorization provided by the chairperson or Board of Directors;
- Prepare funding proposals in collaboration with project coordinators and technical staff;
- Control and assess the performance of each unit in the Association;
- Search for the head of each unit and other staff and propose these to the Board of Directors;
- Prepare the budget in collaboration with the unit heads and request for the approval of the budget for each project or unit based on the financial principles of the Association;
- Prepare ordinary and extra-ordinary meetings in collaboration with the Board of Directors.
MFA Organization Chart