How to becomes our member
Download and complete the membership form- [Click]
Submit the completed and signed form to LMFA- Email: or Tel: 020 99626456 The application shall be considered by the Board of Directors & Executive Office- The applicant will be informed with in 7 working days whether the application has been approved or not.
Membership Benefits
Benefit of becoming MFA members
- The privilege to participate in trainings related to microfinance sector by both domestic and foreign sectors
- Opportunity to have special technical / professional counselling
- Opportunity to meet and exchange experiences with successful institutions and from the Bank of Lao PDR
- Receive useful information on institutional development and also disseminate information / products- services through
- Various advertisement channels of MFA.
Upcoming Events
Our Partner

The organizations that use LMFA Technical service

Non Deposit Taking Microfinance Institutions (NDTMFIs)

Deposit Taking Microfinance Institutions (DTMFIs)